Michael was born in a family of ornithologists. A family of successful bird enthusiasts since generations actually. At the age of five he joined and became the leader of a group of super scientists called The Intergalaxon 5. Although they discovered and explored many new species Michael always felt there was a greater meaning of his existence. He became more and more obsessed with the thought of a perfect bird.

After three decades of touring with this super group Michael, or The King of Poop as his fellow bird-watchers call him (due to his ability to foretell in birds dropping), realized that the true challenge and the answer to his questions extends far out of this world. This led to the decision to leave planet earth. By that time he had become a very popular scientist. Not only for his research but also for such charity work like the "We Are The Birld" event 1985 to raise money for african birds. Elevated from the fumes in his lab, one day he decided to stage his own death and leave…